Thursday, April 28, 2011
American's Problem: Obesity
Obesity is the number one public health risk America (“Obesity Is Public Health Concern“). As stated in the movie “Super Size Me,“ which is a highly known documentary about what fast food can do to one’s body, America is said to be the fattest nation in the world. Yet individuals who became obese from fast food restaurants blame them for the cause of their weight. The cause of obesity is not the fast food restaurant‘s fault, but the individuals who consume it everyday. The individuals are responsible for their weight because they know that fast food is high in fat and oils, but still choose to eat it daily. This world is full of ignorant people that just want to have somebody else to blame their problems for, but in reality, it is them and no one else. Nearly one hundred million Americans today are considered either overweight or obese, which is more than 60 percent of all adults in the United States. If Americans continue to eat like this, there is no telling what will happen to our population and the serious health risks that will occur. Most Americans today have no self control when it comes to their eating habit. It is simply because they have no time to cook, fast food is inexpensive, or just the fact the they are lazy, hence the name “lazy/stupid American,” for all of the crap they consume. Restaurants need to have more healthy meal, though we shouldn’t go out to eat a healthy meal when we can do it at home. America needs to put on their Nikes and get down to business. A simple walk around the park or 20 minute work out is all that is needed for us to become a slimmer, and healthier person.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
We Need To Try Harder: Response
In response to Bryan's article " We Need To Try Harder," I couldn’t agree more with his post because I too argue in my last post on the same thing. I know exactly what you are talking about when I walked the stage with kids who did not deserve to walk at all. High school these days are way too lenient and lazy. I share the same view that “teaching should be more of an elite profession,” as all of my teachers in high school were just a bunch of ignorant coaches who cared about nothing, other than football or whatever. Our school really do need more qualified teachers to educate our students, so that they are more prepared for the real world. If we had more experience teachers, we would probably not have as many drop out as we do now. We need highly qualified individuals that will not only teach our students but also motivate them to a higher expectation. Though we do need more qualify teachers, our schools also need more funding and resources for our kids to succeed. Our kids will need to be prepared for the life ahead of them, and filling in the blank word sheets are not going to cut it. Just as you stated, “children are the future of our great country.”
Friday, April 1, 2011
America, You Have No Discipline When it Comes to Education
We need to turn our attentions to one of America’s most important problem, our poor educational system. America’s education system is going down the drain these days due to the fact that we have inexperience teachers and no discipline. It is said that the higher the parent’s income than the more likely their child will succeed and that lower-income students are more likely to drop out because, they were not adequately prepared (Yglesias). The low income families are likely to live in a poorer neighborhood and their kids are having to go to a poor and low performing school, unless the parents care and are smart enough to transfer them to a higher ranking school using the transfer system. Low income students in danger for staying motivated, having self-discipline, and performing well in school. Though it will take much more than just taxing the rich and using money to benefit our education. Our main problem are the inexperienced teachers we are hiring. We need to stop letting all of our coaches teach class and hire experience individuals who have an education in teaching. Teaching should not just be a job that any one can do, it should be for the ones who qualify for that degree. If we were to hire more qualified teachers to teach our students, America would not have as many drop outs as we do now. We need teachers who will not just teach our students, but motivate them to a higher expectation. There is nothing more critical to America’s future than our education. Our economic power is determined by many factors, but education is the most important.
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